I nuovi membri ricevono il la prima visita gratuita.

Cras viverra lobortis odio aliquet volutpat. Ut imperdiet iaculis nisl at placerat. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque nec suscipit est duis dapibus.

Informazioni sul programma di cura dei cuccioli

Perché cure speciali ?

I cuccioli sono carini, piccoli e adorabili. Allo stesso tempo, sono più vulnerabili a malattie come parvo e cimurro intorno alle 4-12 settimane di età. Hanno bisogno di cure speciali in questa durata.

Il nostro programma consiste in una  una serie di visite e controlli mensili, che aiutano il tuo animale domestico a combattere questo periodo con facilità e immunità.


Eventi mensili

Programma Eventi

Visit 1

6 - 8 Weeks

Appointment length

35 minutes with the Doctor and Technician.


Distemper / Parvo / Adenovirus

Care & Training

Behavioral Counselling, Wellness checkup.

Parasite Prevention

Pamoate Wormer, initial dose of Heartguard Plus and Frontline Plus.

Tests & Procedures

Computerized checkup with an mobile app.


Nail Trim


Visit 2

9 - 11 Weeks

Appointment length

35 minutes with the Technician.


Kennel Cough, Canine Influenza

Care & Training

Reports and behavioral training review

Parasite Prevention

3 month supply of Frontline, 6 month supply of Heartguard.

Tests & Procedures

Fecal sample test through home container.


Dental checkup

Visit 3

12 - 14 Weeks

Appointment length

35 minutes with the Doctor and  Technician.


Distemper / Parvo / Adenovirus / Rabies

Care & Training

Wellness exam and behavioral review.

Parasite Prevention

3 month supply of Frontline, 6 month supply of Heartguard.

Tests & Procedures

Fecal sample test through home container.


Hair Grooming


Visit 4

15 - 17 Weeks

Appointment length

30 minutes with the Technician.


Kennel Cough, Canine Influenza

Care & Training

Behavioral follow up and next schedule guidelines.

Parasite Prevention

3 month supply of Frontline, 6 month supply of Heartguard.

Tests & Procedures

Fecal sample test through home container.


Nails Trim

Visit 5

18 - 20 Weeks

Appointment length

35 minutes with the Doctor and  Technician.


Lepto / Distemper / Parvo / Adenovirus / Rabies

Care & Training

Wellness exam and behavioral review.

Parasite Prevention

3 month supply of Frontline, 6 month supply of Heartguard.

Tests & Procedures

Fecal sample test through home container.


Nail Trim


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